Linux refers to the family of Unix-like computer operating systems using the Linux kernel. Linux can be installed on a wide variety of computer hardware, ranging from mobile phones, tablet computers, routers, and video game consoles, to mainframes and supercomputers. Linux is a leading server operating system, and runs the 10 fastest supercomputers in the world.[1]
The development of Linux is one of the most prominent examples of free and open source software collaboration; typically all the underlying source code can be used, freely modified, and redistributed, both commercially and non-commercially, by anyone under licenses such as the GNU General Public License. Typically Linux is packaged in a format known as a Linux distribution for desktop and server use. Some popular mainstream Linux distributions include Debian (and its derivatives such as Ubuntu), Fedora and openSUSE. Linux distributions include the Linux kernel and supporting utilities and libraries to fulfill the distribution's intended use.[1]
- Linux-Magazin [DE]
- Linux Action News [EN]
- Linux Unplugged [EN]
Further Information
- Der große Linux-Gaming-Guide (11.11.2023) [DE] @ heise online
20 pages found:
- Arch Linux
- BackBox Linux
- BlackArch Linux
- CentOS Steam
- Debian
- Fedora
- Gentoo
- Grml
- Kali Linux
- Knoppix
- Linux From Scratch
- NixOS
- openSUSE
- Parrot OS
- Parted Magic
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
- SystemRescue
- Tails
- Ubuntu
98 pages found:
- Ansible
- Apache
- Berkeley DB
- Bitwarden
- Calibre
- checkmk
- Chef InSpec
- Chrome
- Chrony
- Cryptomator
- Docker
- Dovecot
- Dropbox
- Espanso
- fail2ban
- FFmpeg
- Firefox
- FreshRSS
- Git
- GNU Privacy Guard
- GNU Zip
- GnuCash
- GnuTLS
- HandBrake
- Icinga
- ImageMagick
- John the Ripper
- Joplin
- LibreWolf
- KeePassXC
- Kubernetes
- LibreOffice
- LibreSSL
- Linux Containers
- Lynis
- LyX
- MariaDB
- Meld
- Mercurial
- MultiDeco
- Munin
- Nagios
- Nginx
- Nmap
- ntp
- Proton VPN
- Obsidian
- OCS Inventory NG
- OpenLDAP
- OpenSSH
- OpenSSL
- OpenVAS
- OpenVPN
- osquery
- Pandoc
- Pi-hole
- Pluggable Authentication Modules
- Podman
- Postfix
- PostgreSQL
- Pulp
- Puppet
- RDist
- Restricted SSH
- rsyslog
- rxvt
- Samba
- Scribus
- Signal
- SmartGit
- Snort
- SoX
- SQLite
- Sublime Text
- Syncthing
- syslog-ng
- systemd
- TCP Wrapper
- TeamViewer
- TeX Live
- Traefik
- udftools
- V-Planner
- vaultwarden
- Ventoy
- VLC Media Player
- Wine
- WireGuard
- Wireshark
- ZMap
Shell Commands
177 pages found:
- aria2
- arp
- at
- atd
- ausearch
- awk
- badblocks
- basename
- bashdb
- bc
- blkid
- direnv
- caddy
- cat
- certbot
- chage
- chkconfig (Red Hat)
- chkconfig (SUSE)
- chmod
- chown
- chroot
- chsh
- clear
- cp
- cpio
- cron
- csvs-to-sqlite
- curl
- cut
- eza
- date
- dd
- df
- diff
- dirname
- dmesg
- dnsmasq
- dog
- dropbox uploader
- dstat
- du
- env
- ethtool
- expand
- grype
- fcron
- fdisk
- fetchmail
- figlet
- find
- flock
- fmt
- free
- fsck
- ftp
- fuser
- gdrive
- genisoimage
- getent
- getmail
- grep
- growisofs
- haveged
- hdparm
- head
- hostname
- htop
- iconv
- ifconfig
- ifstat
- iftop
- init
- insserv
- install
- iostat
- ip
- iperf
- iscsiadm
- iscsid
- iwconfig
- iwlist
- iwspy
- jq
- kill
- killall
- ldconfig
- ldd
- ln
- logger
- logrotate
- losetup
- ls
- lsdev
- lshw
- lsof
- lspci
- lsusb
- make
- mdadm
- mii-tool
- mkdir
- mkfs
- mknod
- mkswap
- mount
- mpstat
- mt
- multimarkdown
- mv
- nc
- netstat
- numfmt
- nvim
- pkgx
- procs
- parallel
- parted
- passwd
- patch
- pdfgrep
- pgrep
- ping
- procmail
- ps
- qrencode
- starship
- sudo
- rclone
- readlink
- rm
- route
- rsync
- runlevel
- tspin
- script
- scsi id
- sdparm
- sed
- shellcheck
- shred
- shuf
- shutdown
- sort
- srm
- ss
- stat
- stunnel
- swaks
- swapoff
- swapon
- tail
- tar
- tcpdump
- telnet
- time
- top
- tr
- traceroute
- tree
- udevadm
- umount
- unison
- update-rc.d
- uptime
- urlwatch
- vim
- vmstat
- vsftpd
- w
- watch
- wc
- wget
- xargs
- xinetd
- yq
- yt-dlp
File Systems
12 pages found:
- Btrfs
- ext2
- ext3
- ext4
- Network File System
- Parted Magic
- tmpfs
- Universal Disk Format
- WebDAV Linux File System