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From RaySoft

Firefox is a free and open source web browser developed for Windows, OS X and Linux, with a mobile version for Android, by Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation. Firefox uses the Gecko layout engine to render web pages, which implements current and anticipated web standards.[1]



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firefox [PARAMETER ...]


-CreateProfile NAME
Create a new profile in the default directory, but do not start application. The profile will be named NAME in the 'Profile Manager'. NAME must not contain spaces.
-CreateProfile "NAME PATH"
Creates a new profile in the PATH directory, but do not start application. The profile will be named NAME in the 'Profile Manager'.
NAME and PATH are quoted together, and are separated by exactly 1 space (as with the previous syntax, NAME must not contain spaces).
PATH must not exist and you must not already have a profile called NAME.
Open new instance, not a new window in running instance, which allows multiple copies of application to be open at a time.
-new-tab URL
Open URL in a new tab.
-new-window URL
Open URL in a new window.
Opens Firefox in permanent private browsing mode.
-P, -ProfileManager
Start with 'Profile Manager'.
Bypass 'Profile Manager' and launch application with the profile named NAME. Useful for dealing with multiple profiles.
NAME is case sensitive.
-profile PATH
Start with the profile with the given PATH. PATH can either be an absolute path (/path/to/profile) or a relative path (path/to/profile).
Set the application as the default browser.
-url [URL ...]
Open URL in a new tab or window, depend on the browser option. -url can be omitted. You may list multiple URLs, separated by spaces.


Start multiple Firefox instances with different profiles using open on macOS
for profile in 'alex' 'marty'; do
  open -a 'Firefox' -n --args -private -P "${profile}"
