LyX is a document processor following the self-coined 'what you see is what you mean' paradigm (WYSIWYM), as opposed to the 'what you see is what you get' (WYSIWYG) ideas used by word processors. This means that the user only has to care about the structure of and information within the text, while the formatting is done by LaTeX, an advanced typesetting system. LyX is designed for authors who want professional output with a minimum of effort and without becoming specialists in typesetting. The job of typesetting is done mostly by the computer, following a predefined set of rules called a style, not by the author. Specific knowledge of the LaTeX document processing system is not necessary but may improve editing with LyX significantly for specialist purposes.[1]
- Project Homepage [EN]
- LyX [EN] @ Fedora Package
- LyX [EN] @ Homebrew Cask
- Help [EN]