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From RaySoft

ldappasswd is a tool to set the password of an LDAP user. ldappasswd uses the LDAPv3 Password Modify (RFC 3062) extended operation.[1]

ldappasswd sets the password of associated with the user [or an optionally specified user]. If the new password is not specified on the command line and the user doesn't enable prompting, the server will be asked to generate a password for the user.[1]

ldappasswd is neither designed nor intended to be a replacement for passwd and should not be installed as such.[1]



ldappasswd [PARAMETER ...] [USER]


Use the 'Distinguished Name' BINDDN to bind to the LDAP directory.
Prompt for simple authentication. This is used instead of specifying the password on the command line.
Use simple authentication instead of SASL.
Issue StartTLS (Transport Layer Security) extended operation. If you use -ZZ, the command will require the operation to be successful.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 man 1 'ldappasswd'