Berkeley Software Distribution
Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) is the UNIX operating system derivative developed and distributed by the Computer Systems Research Group of the University of California, Berkeley, from 1977 to 1995.[1]
5 pages found:
58 pages found:
- Ansible
- Apache
- Berkeley DB
- checkmk
- Chef InSpec
- Chrony
- Docker
- Dovecot
- FFmpeg
- Git
- GNU Privacy Guard
- GNU Zip
- GnuCash
- GnuTLS
- Icinga
- ImageMagick
- John the Ripper
- LibreOffice
- LibreSSL
- Lynis
- MariaDB
- Munin
- Nagios
- Nginx
- Nmap
- ntp
- OCS Inventory NG
- OpenLDAP
- OpenSSH
- OpenSSL
- OpenVAS
- osquery
- Pandoc
- Pluggable Authentication Modules
- Postfix
- PostgreSQL
- Puppet
- rsyslog
- rxvt
- Samba
- Scribus
- Snort
- SoX
- SQLite
- Syncthing
- syslog-ng
- TCP Wrapper
- TeX Live
- VLC Media Player
- Wine
- WireGuard
- Wireshark
- ZMap
Shell Commands
109 pages found:
- aria2
- at
- atd
- awk
- badblocks
- basename
- bashdb
- bc
- direnv
- caddy
- cat
- certbot
- chage
- chmod
- chown
- chroot
- chsh
- clear
- cp
- cpio
- cron
- csvs-to-sqlite
- curl
- cut
- eza
- date
- dd
- df
- diff
- dirname
- dnsmasq
- dog
- dropbox uploader
- du
- env
- expand
- grype
- fcron
- fdisk
- fetchmail
- figlet
- find
- flock
- fmt
- free
- ftp
- gdrive
- getent
- getmail
- grep
- head
- iconv
- ifstat
- iperf
- jq
- kill
- killall
- ldd
- ln
- logger
- logrotate
- ls
- make
- mkdir
- mpstat
- mv
- numfmt
- nvim
- procs
- parallel
- passwd
- pdfgrep
- pgrep
- procmail
- ps
- qrencode
- sudo
- rclone
- readlink
- rm
- tspin
- script
- sed
- shellcheck
- shred
- shuf
- shutdown
- sort
- srm
- stunnel
- swaks
- tail
- telnet
- time
- tr
- tree
- unison
- urlwatch
- vim
- vsftpd
- w
- watch
- wc
- wget
- xargs
- xinetd
- yq
- yt-dlp
File Systems
3 pages found: