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From RaySoft

podman is a simple management tool for pods, containers and images.[1]




Subcommands & Parameters


Pull an image from a registry.
List images in local storage.
Removes one or more locally stored images.
-f, --force
This option will cause podman to remove all containers that are using the image before removing the image from the system.


Auto update containers according to their auto-update policy.
Execute a command in a running container.
-i, --interactive
When set to true, keep stdin open even if not attached. Default is false.
-t, --tty
Allocate a pseudo-TTY.
Display the logs of one or more containers.
-f, --follow
Follow log output. Default is false.
Prints out information about containers.
-a, --all
Show all the containers, default is only running containers.
-l, --latest
Show the latest container created (all states).
-p, --pod
Display the pods the containers are associated with.
Restart one or more containers.
-a, --all
Restart all containers regardless of their current state.
Remove one or more containers.
-f, --force
Force the removal of running and paused containers.
-v, --volumes
Remove anonymous volumes associated with the container.
Run a command in a new container.
-d, --detach
Detached mode: run the container in the background and print the new container ID. Default is false.
-e=VAR[=VALUE], --env=VAR[=VALUE]
Set environment variables.
Read in a line delimited file of environment variables.
Assign a name to the container.
--net=NAME, --network=NAME
Set the network mode for the container.
Publish a container's port, or range of ports, to the host.
Run container in an existing pod.
Create a bind mount.
Start one or more containers.
Stop one or more running containers.


pod create
Create a new pod.
-n=NAME, --name=NAME
Assign a NAME to the pod.
-p=PORT, --publish=PORT
Publish a PORT or range of PORTs from the pod to the host.
A comma delimited list of kernel NAMESPACES to share.
pod ps
Prints out information about pods.
-l, --latest
Show the latest pod created (all states).
pod prune
Remove all stopped pods and their containers.
-f, --force
Force removal of all running pods and their containers. Default is false.
pod restart
Restart one or more pods.
-a, --all
Restarts all pods.
pod rm
Remove one or more stopped pods and containers.
-f, --force
Stop running containers and delete all stopped containers before removal of pod.
pod start
Start one or more pods.
pod stop
Stop one or more pods.


generate systemd
Generate systemd unit file(s) for a container or pod.
-f, --files
Generate files instead of printing to stdout. The generated files are named {container,pod}-{ID,name}.service and will be placed in the current working directory.
-n, --name
Use the name of the container for the start, stop, and description in the unit file.
Using this flag will yield unit files that do not expect containers and pods to exist.

Related Howtos


  1. man 1 'podman'