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From RaySoft

jc converts the output of many standard unix command line tools and file-types to dictionaries and lists of dictionaries.[1]


Further Information




Pretty format the JSON output.
Quiet mode. Suppresses warning messages.
Raw output. Provides a more literal JSON output with all values as text and no additional sematic processing


Enables the arp command parser.
Enables the crontab command and file parser.
Enables the crontab file parser with user support.
Enables the df command parser.
Enables the dig command parser.
Enables the du command parser.
Enables the env command parser.
Enables the free command parser.
Enables the /etc/fstab file parser.
Enables the history command parser.
Enables the /etc/hosts file parser.
Enables the id command parser.
Enables the ifconfig command parser.
Enables the INI file parser.
Enables the iptables command parser.
Enables the jobs command parser.
Enables the ls command parser.
Enables the lsblk command parser.
Enables the lsmod command parser.
Enables the lsof command parser.
Enables the mount command parser.
Enables the netstat command parser.
Enables the pip list command parser.
Enables the pip show command parser.
Enables the ps command parser.
Enables the route command parser.
Enables the ss command parser.
Enables the stat command parser.
Enables the systemctl command parser.
Enables the systemctl list-jobs command parser.
Enables the systemctl list-sockets command parser.
Enables the systemctl list-unit-files command parser.
Enables the uname -a command parser.
Enables the uptime command parser.
Enables the w command parser.
Enables the XML file parser.
Enables the YAML file parser.


Convert the ARP cache list to JSON with jc, remove some attributes and output it nicely with jq
arp -a | jc --arp | jq 'del(.[].name, .[].permanent)'


    "address": "",
    "hwtype": "ethernet",
    "hwaddress": "0:0:5e:0:1:1",
    "iface": "en9"
    "address": "",
    "hwtype": "ethernet",
    "hwaddress": "b8:69:f4:1:70:b1",
    "iface": "en9"


  1. Repository contributors. "jc." GitHub. https://github.com/kellyjonbrazil/jc/tree/master/docs (accessed 05.05.2023)