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From RaySoft

Declare variables and/or give them attributes. If no NAMEs are given then display the values of variables.[1]



declare [PARAMETER ...] [NAME[=VALUE] ...]


This option will restrict the display to shell functions.[2]
This option inhibits the display of function definitions; only the function name and attributes are printed.[2]
This option forces variables to be created or modified at the global scope, even when declare is executed in a shell function. It is ignored in all other cases.[2]
This option will display the attributes and values of each NAME. When -p is used with name arguments, additional options, other than -f and -F, are ignored.
When -p is supplied without name arguments, declare will display the attributes and values of all variables having the attributes specified by the additional options. If no other options are supplied with -p, declare will display the attributes and values of all shell variables.[2]
Give each name the trace attribute. Traced functions inherit the DEBUG and RETURN traps from the calling shell. The trace attribute has no special meaning for variables.[2]

Set attributes

Using + instead of - turns off the attribute instead, with the exceptions that +a and +A may not be used to destroy array variables and +r will not remove the readonly attribute.[2]

Each NAME is an indexed array variable.[2]
Each NAME is an associative array variable.[2]
Give each NAME the nameref attribute, making it a name reference to another variable. That other variable is defined by the value of NAME.[2]
Make NAMEs readonly. These NAMEs cannot then be assigned values by subsequent assignment statements or unset.[2]
Mark each NAME for export to subsequent commands via the environment.[2]


Show a list of all defined functions
declare -f
Test if a function exists e.g. my::_cd
if declare -F my::_cd >'/dev/null' 2>&1; then
  alias cd='my::_cd'
Protect variables and functions so that they are not overwritten
foo() { :; }
declare -r bar
declare -r -f foo
foo() { :; }


test.sh: line 7: bar: readonly variable
test.sh: line 8: foo: readonly function
Test if a variable or a function is writable
declare -p 'PI'
if [[ "$(declare -p 'PI')" =~ declare\ -[^\ ]*r ]]; then
  echo 'PI is read only'
  echo 'PI is writable'
declare -r 'PI'
declare -p 'PI'

if [[ "$(declare -p 'PI')" =~ declare\ -[^\ ]*r ]]; then
  echo 'PI is read only'
  echo 'PI is writable'


declare -- PI="3.14159265359"
PI is writable
declare -r PI="3.14159265359"
PI is not writable
