/etc/bind/named.conf (2)

From RaySoft
# named.conf
# ==========
# Project   Gentoo 4 Shuttle DS57Ux
# Scope     Gentoo
# Copyright (C) 2022 by RaySoft, Zurich, Switzerland
# License   GNU General Public License (GPL) 2.0
#           https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl2.txt
# BIND 9 Configuration Reference
# https://ftp.isc.org/isc/bind9/cur/9.9/doc/arm/Bv9ARM.html

options {
  # The working directory of the server. Any non-absolute pathnames in the
  # configuration file will be taken as relative to this directory.
  directory "/var/bind";

  # The version the server should report via a query of the name version.bind
  # with type TXT, class CHAOS. The default is the real version number of this
  # server. Specifying version none disables processing of the queries.
  version none;

  # The hostname the server should report via a query of the name hostname.bind
  # with type TXT, class CHAOS. This defaults to the hostname of the machine
  # hosting the name server as found by the gethostname() function. [...]
  # Specifying hostname none; disables processing of the queries.
  hostname none;

  # The ID the server should report when receiving a Name Server Identifier
  # (NSID) query, or a query of the name ID.SERVER with type TXT, class CHAOS.
  # Specifying server-id none; disables processing of the queries.
  server-id none;

  # The interfaces and ports that the server will answer queries from may be
  # specified using the listen-on and listen-on-v6 options. listen-on and
  # listen-on-v6 take an optional port and an address_match_list of IP
  # addresses. The server will listen on all interfaces allowed by the address
  # match list. If a port is not specified, port 53 will be used.
  listen-on port 53 {;; };
  listen-on-v6 { none; };

  # If yes (the default), DNS NOTIFY messages are sent when a zone the server is
  # authoritative for changes.
  notify no;

  # Specifies which hosts are allowed to notify this server, a slave, of zone
  # changes in addition to the zone masters.
  allow-notify { none; };

  # Specifies which hosts are allowed to receive zone transfers from
  # the server.
  allow-transfer { none; };

  # Specifies which hosts are allowed to receive zone transfers from the server.
  # If not specified, the default is to allow transfers to all hosts.
  allow-query {;; };

  # Specifies which hosts are allowed to get answers from the cache.
  allow-query-cache {;; };

  # Specifies which hosts are allowed to make recursive queries through this
  # server.
  allow-recursion {;; };

  # Specifies which hosts are allowed to submit Dynamic DNS updates for master
  # zones. The default is to deny updates from all hosts.
  allow-update { none; };

  # Enable or disable all empty zones. By default, they are enabled.
  empty-zones-enable yes;

  # If full, the server will collect statistical data on all zones. The default
  # is terse, providing minimal statistics on zones.
  zone-statistics terse;

  # The pathname of the file the server appends statistics to when instructed to
  # do so using rndc stats.
  statistics-file "/var/run/named/stats";

  # The server will scan the network interface list every interface-interval
  # minutes. The default is 60 minutes. The maximum value is 28 days (40320
  # minutes). If set to 0, interface scanning will only occur when the
  # configuration file is loaded.
  interface-interval 0;

logging {
  channel default_syslog {
    # The syslog destination clause directs the channel to the system log. Its
    # argument is a syslog facility as described in the syslog man page.
    syslog daemon;

    # The severity clause works like syslog's "priorities", except that they can
    # also be used if you are writing straight to a file rather than using
    # syslog. Messages which are not at least of the severity level given will
    # not be selected for the channel; messages of higher severity levels will
    # be accepted.
    severity info;

  channel default_debug {
    # The file destination clause directs the channel to a disk file. It can
    # include limitations both on how large the file is allowed to become, and
    # how many versions of the file will be saved each time the file is opened.
    file "/var/log/named/named.debug" versions 1 size 1m;

    # The severity clause works like syslog's "priorities", except that they can
    # also be used if you are writing straight to a file rather than using
    # syslog. Messages which are not at least of the severity level given will
    # not be selected for the channel; messages of higher severity levels will
    # be accepted.
    severity debug 3;

    # If print-time has been turned on, then the date and time will be logged.
    print-time yes;

    # If print-category is requested, then the category of the message will be
    # logged as well.
    print-category yes;

    # If print-severity is on, then the severity level of the message will be
    # logged.
    print-severity yes;

  # There are many categories, so you can send the logs you want to see wherever
  # you want, without seeing logs you don't want. If you don't specify a list of
  # channels for a category, then log messages in that category will be sent to
  # the default category instead.
  category default {


zone "." IN {
  type hint;
  file "root.cache";

include "/etc/bind/named-zones.conf";
